As you probably saw, we recently reviewed the wonderful BS is Nice Black Leather Harness for Vibrator Kingdom. We're thrilled to announce that not only is our review now live on their site, but our photos are currently being used as the product images. We're so chuffed that Penelope thought our photography was good enough to ask to use it in this way. There are some studio lights currently sitting in my ebay basket (at the moment I'm just relying on daylight and a couple of desk lamps!) so hopefully our photography will become even better looking soon.
I absolutely love product photography, and have had lots of lovely comments about my work so far. With some studio lights on board, maybe it is something we could branch out into more commercially as our blog and photography skills progress...
Lucy xxx
P.S. If anyone reading this is interested in using our photos for anything, please get in touch, our details are on our contact page.
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